Friday, 23 September 2022

Chardonnay's Hands Off My Sherrin Trails

R#n No1324 Saturday 24th September 2022
Hare: Swallow
AFL Grand Final Run!

Venue: 14 Ewing Avenue, Kingston Beach ///foremost.remit.skills

Time: 11:30am for a NOON start

Run fee: $10.00 (bring a $2 coin for the quiz!)

Piss stop, salads and bread provided, bring own barbecue food and extra drinks (if you're a p!ss head)


R#n No1325 Thursday 29th September 2022

Hare: Hands On (and Buddha has been nominated to do the r*n report)
Venue: The Talbot Hotel, 131 New Town Rd, New Town ///issues.nuzzled.hoaxes

Time: 6:30pm for a 6:31pm start

Run fee: $25.00

Meal included, buy your own drinks over the bar.

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